Jurnalul Român de Psihoterapie Integrativă

Introducing compassion - Focused Therapy

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Introducing compassion - Focused Therapy
Paul Gilbert - Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Derby and consultant psychologist at Derbyshire Mental Health Services NHS Trust.

ABSTRACT: Shame and self-criticism are transdiagnostic problems. People who experience them may struggle to feel relieved, reassured or safe. Research suggests that a specialised affect regulation sys tem (or systems) underpins feelings of reassurance, safeness and well-being. It is believed to have evolved with attachment systems and, in particular, the ability to register and respond with calming and a sense of well-being to being cared for. In compassionfocused therapy it is hypothesised that this affect regulation system is poorly accessible in people with high shame and self-criticism, in whom the ‘threat’ affect regulation system dominates orientation to their inner and outer worlds. Compassion-focused therapy is an integrated and multimodal approach that draws from evolutionary, social, developmental and Buddhist psychology, and neuro science. One of its key concerns is to use compassionate mind training to help people develop and work with experiences of inner warmth, safeness and soothing, via compassion and self-compassion.
Key words: compassion, compasion fucused therapy, integrated therapy

Citit 7656 ori Ultima modificare Vineri, 06 Septembrie 2013 18:39

Dacă faci o greșeală, recunoaște-o. Orice încercare de a o ascunde se va întoarce în cele din urmă împotriva ta. La un moment dat pacientul va simți că nu ești sincer și actul terapeutic va suferi. Mai mult, admiterea deschisă a greșelii este un model bun pentru pacienți și un semn în plus al importanței care o au pentru tine.

Irvin D.Yalom, M.D. Darul Psihoterapiei