Jurnalul Român de Psihoterapie Integrativă

Madeira - Natural disaster

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Madeira - Natural disaster:group intervention to help people overcome grief and see change as a challenging process
Susana Monteiro & Filipa Alves - CeFIPsi: Centro de Formação e Investigação em Psicologia (Portugal)

ABSTRACT: Torrential rains battered the Portuguese island on February 20th. More than 40 people died, several people were injured and more than 600 hundred lost their houses by floods and mudslides after the violent rainstorms. The local Cáritas of Funchal started its aid intervention on Madeira fulfilling individuals’ basic needs (food supply, water, shelter...). Cáritas requested to CeFIPsi the emotional and psychological support to the ones affected by the natural disaster. A team of 5 Psychologist from CeFIPsi worked with more than 1 050 children from 5 schools and more than 20 families from one of the most affected areas to help them dealing with the emotions and negative thoughts caused by the event. We trained more than 200 professional (psychologists and teachers from kindergarten to high school) so they could know how to approach the natural disaster theme, and its consequences with their students without causing additional suffering and stress.

Key words: natural disaster, emotional and psychological support, change as a challenging process.

Citit 4708 ori Ultima modificare Vineri, 06 Septembrie 2013 18:35
Mai multe din această categorie: « Introducing compassion - Focused Therapy

Dacă faci o greșeală, recunoaște-o. Orice încercare de a o ascunde se va întoarce în cele din urmă împotriva ta. La un moment dat pacientul va simți că nu ești sincer și actul terapeutic va suferi. Mai mult, admiterea deschisă a greșelii este un model bun pentru pacienți și un semn în plus al importanței care o au pentru tine.

Irvin D.Yalom, M.D. Darul Psihoterapiei