Jurnalul Român de Psihoterapie Integrativă

The analysis of defense mecanism and coping strategies

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The analysis of defense mecanism and coping strategies in the medical personnel of the intensive care ward
University Hospital Timisoara
Ruxandra RĂŞCANU, prof univ dr, University of Bucharest,
Mara PRICEPUTU, Romanian Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy
Dănuţ CRAŞOVAN, PhD student, University of Bucharest.

ABSTRACT: The study is oriented towards the analysis of the defense mechanisms and coping strategies of the medical personnel from the medical intensive care wards, The University Hospital Timisoara having as an objective the identification of the psychical defense strategies of the doctors and nurses who provide medical care to patients in severe or terminal stages of certain conditions. The study was carried out on 30 participants with a minimum experience of one year in the current workplace (intensive care wards). Within the study, the following psychological instruments were used: DSQ-60 (this instrument is pending validation on the Romanian population), COPE and STAI.
One of the conclusions draws the attention on the fact that coping means (coping strategies and defending mechanisms) used mainly by the subjects of this study are most represented by coping strategies with adaptative character, having a level of nonfunctional cognitions that permits normal functioning, and at the same time reporting a medium level of anxiety-as a state and feature.
At the end, it is emphasized that supportive strategies that are specific for integrative approach offer a wide working space, and the techniques that are used can be adapted and bended according to every individual's personality and the integrative social area they come from, the final target being based on cognitive, behavioral and affective results efficiently translated afterward in balanced actions and well-being for each person.

Keywords: coping, defense mechanisms, medical personnel, intensive care wards.

Citit 21097 ori Ultima modificare Vineri, 06 Septembrie 2013 15:43

Dacă faci o greșeală, recunoaște-o. Orice încercare de a o ascunde se va întoarce în cele din urmă împotriva ta. La un moment dat pacientul va simți că nu ești sincer și actul terapeutic va suferi. Mai mult, admiterea deschisă a greșelii este un model bun pentru pacienți și un semn în plus al importanței care o au pentru tine.

Irvin D.Yalom, M.D. Darul Psihoterapiei